Fall Classes and Workshops, NOW LIVE!

Contact HKM

Hali MacLaren's hand wearing hkm jewelry rings and bracelets touching golden rod in the dunes of ocean city new jersey photo by susan allen 2023Photo by Susan Allen 2023

Let's be friends! Please reach out with any questions or ideas you have for custom work. Customs generally take 4-6 weeks to complete after the design process and the first payment is made. Whether it is a unique engagement/wedding ring set, or a cast replica of your special beach-found treasure. Send me an email: hali@hkmjewelry.com to discuss all the possibilities. 

Most metal options are available and all of HKM’s silver and gold is sourced from recycled manufacturers that process their metals ethically and sustainably.

I'd love to chat with you on social media, send me a message through the accounts below and don't forget to tag #hkmjewelry when you share my work. I love to see you all wearing your HKM collections!

Instagram: hkm_jewelry