Shipwrecked Emerald Coin Pendant

la concepcion shipwreck coin pendant with emeralds

This lovely customer had a vision to redesign an old Emerald bracelet into something new to pair with an old silver coin she had won at an auction years ago. We traced the coin back to the Mexico City mint of the 1600's and she also had the authenticity certificate of the ship it had been lost on. La Concepcion - which sunk in 1641 off the coast of Spain containing over 25 tons of silver.

The Coin was in pretty good condition considering being underwater for 337 years and the backside pitting of which had been suspect to the oceans electrolysis for the majority of the time.

I did some research on traditional pirate coin setting for jewelry and designed a sturdy and efficient double prong setting for the odd shaped coin. Along the outside of the bezel I created individual chunky prong settings for each of her emeralds. Emeralds and silver after-all have been long-time treasures that succumbed to the many shipwrecks of the ages.